Progress continues on the firewood supply. I cleaned up the mess from the logs I cut with the Husqvarna battery chainsaw.

The old and rotted logs have been cut into ‘cookies’ and loaded onto the truck. I cut the logs using my Stihl 046 Chainsaw with Full Chisel Chain on a 20-inch bar with an 8 tooth sprocket. Good times!

Here’s a video I made about the 046. I prefer the 036 for cutting firewood because the 046 adds weight. However, once the tree is limbed the 046 is light and powerful enough to be really fun for bucking. You can bury a 20-inch bar in a log and the motor doesn’t even lag.
The dump truck is full of cookies that would have made great wood for an outdoor furnace. All this wood is three to five years old and when it dries it’s going to be really, really dry and burn really, really hot.

I love cutting cedar, though few appreciate it. The heartwood has a brilliant bright purple color and cedar aroma fills the air while you’re cutting. I don’t mind having some Cedar in the woodpile because it lights easily and throws a lot of heat quickly. Great for fires in the early-Fall or late-Spring and starting fires.

I often underestimate the amount of time it takes to clean up after cutting and splitting firewood. Make sure you give yourself some time to clean up when cutting wood or better yet cut and split the wood in the forest where you can leave the mess to decompose.
I’ve got one more firewood update to go and then I’ve got to find some more wood to cut.